
Enjoying the Energy Benefits from Attic Insulation

When a homeowner understands the energy benefits from attic insulation, it is the first step in ensuring the home has what it needs. Adequate attic insulation is an important factor in keeping an HVAC unit from having to work harder to maintain appropriate temperatures in a home. With improved energy efficiency, the residents improve their comfort while reducing utility bills. How it Works

How Blower Door Assisted Air Sealing Helps Find Leaks

The combination of a blower door and the tools to seal leaks in your house is one of the proven ways to cut down on costly air leakage.

Energy: Where’s it Come From and Where Does it Go?

The annual chart from DOE/Lawrence Berkeley on where energy comes from and goes.Ever wonder where our country’s energy comes from and goes to? This fascinating map from the Lawrence Livermore Laboratory shows in simple graphic terms where we generate energy and how much of it goes to various sectors. One of the fascinating aspects of this is everything you see in gray–“Rejected Energy.” What this really means is waste. Particularly in electricity, as much as 2/3 of all the energy created is lost during transmission and via other means before it actually does any work.

Video: Allstate Insurance Now Promoting Home Performance?

This advertisement from Allstate demonstrates the importance of water heater safety in the home. Is Allstate now promoting Home Performance?  Well, not exactly, but this TV ad nonetheless demonstrates the importance of water heater safety and regularly checking your home’s combustion equipment:

Vampire Hunters: Tackling Vampire Energy in the Kitchen.

Halloween is fast approaching, and today, as we continue in our quest to seek and destroy all the vampires in the house, we move on to the kitchen.Although now particularly well known for its harboring of vampire energy sources, the kitchen does in fact have some standby power sources lurking inconspicuously.

Is Your Insulation Working? Find Out with an Energy Audit.

Winter’s coming. It’s already heating season. So how do you save money on heating costs? You’ve got to own your heat. Simple as that. You’ve paid for all that warm air already, so it doesn’t make much sense to waste it now.

Not Just for Birthdays Anymore: A Chimney Balloon will Keep Your House Warm, Save You Money.

We’re always on the lookout for clever, easy ways to make your home more comfortable, less drafty and more energy efficient. A chimney balloon is one of these. 

Energy Efficient Landscaping for Cooling Down.

On cold winter days, a ray of sun streaming into your house can be most welcome – a free source of heat. But what about in the summer, when those …

Upgrade Your Refrigerator, Save Money Twice.

One of the biggest energy guzzlers in your home (besides, most likely, your thermal envelope, which lets expensive conditioned air escape through air leaks and poorly insulated walls) is the …

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