Fall is almost here, and it’s time to prepare for …

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The City of Denver is taking some important steps in ensuring that the commercial buildings in the city are healthy and safe. As part of these efforts, they have implemented some new energy-efficiency standards in an effort to help improve the city as a whole. Take a look at some of these groundbreaking efforts.
New Building Codes

According to the U.S. Energy Information Administration, the average size …

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The exciting world of designing and building homes loses its …

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One of the top priorities for any business is to …

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Now that it’s the summertime, everyone is turning on the …

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The lighting in our homes can end up costing us …

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High heating bills in the winter and high cooling bills …

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What does air sealing your attic have to do with your heating and cooling costs and indoor comfort? Find out in this deep dive into the benefits of attic air sealing. Schedule a home energy audit from e3 Power to find out how you could lower energy bills and make your Denver home more comfortable.

As spring approaches and the days get warmer, you’re probably …

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