Preparing For Fall In Colorado

Fall weather is upon us, you can feel it in the air and see it in the trees. Fall is such a beautiful season and a great time to go outdoors and spend less time inside. Actually, the team at E3 Power believes every season is a good season to go outside in Colorado.

We think that preparing your outdoor space now will help save you energy in a variety of ways. With a little bit of time, you will have one thing less to think about so you can spend more time hiking or spending time with the family.

Open Your Windows

Before you get out in the yard to get everything ready for the new approaching season make sure you open those windows. There is a breeze in the air and before you know it the frigid winter temperatures will arrive so keep those windows open and enjoy the cool air. 

Opening the windows will not only allow the air to circulate through the home but it will save you a significant amount of money. It is a very healthy alternative to your typical closed-off home.

Fertilize Your Lawn and Freshen Up Mulch

Fertilizing your lawn in the fall will help your lawn stand up against the harsh winter. In the spring you will notice the beautiful effects fall fertilization has on a lawn. You will want to do this before you turn your sprinklers off.

If you have areas around your landscape that have wood mulch make sure that it is at least three to four inches thick. This will help make sure that the plants are completely insulated through the winter and the soil will stay moist. 

Add New Landscaping and Control The Weeds

If you were planning on adding new plants or shrubs now is the time to do it if you think you will be consistent about watering through the winter. Once or twice a month should do the trick.

Recent rain has given those pesky weeds everything they needed to grow. Now is the time to take care of them so the wind doesn’t carry off their seeds and produce more offspring.

Inspect Your Sprinkler Systems 

If there are any signs of winter weather, freezing, or freeze warning you will want to drain your backflow prevention device. It is common to find rebates during this time of year for various sprinkler upgrades. Now is a good time to take advantage and get all the bells and whistles. 

Dehydrated plants are susceptible to the stress of the winter. If you turn off your sprinklers in September or October and the weather warms up, you need to make sure to hand-water your landscape with a hose.

Project Winter Watering

To protect your plants from winter kill it is important to have a plan of action. Try to water the plants on the warmer days when it is around 40 degrees. Make sure that you pay close attention and water newly established landscaping because it is more susceptible to winter damage.

Watering your shrubs, ornamental grass, and flowers is beneficial but do not water your succulents and cacti. You will want to use a hose or wand attachment if you have turned off the sprinklers. Make sure to detach your hose to prevent freezing in the spigot.

Let Us Help You

E3 Power specializes in helping homeowners and businesses get the best use of their energy resources as possible. We perform energy audits and much more and are happy to educate and help you along the way. If you would like to get your Colorado home fall-ready give us a call today.

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